CSCI 448 - Mobile Application Development

Spring 2016

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Ming Li Assignment 5 MapIt

Brief Description:
User can use this app to check their current location. Their location will be displayed on the map, along with all of their previous checked points. The history of checkpoints will be stored in a local SQLite database. Each checkpoint will show as a marker on the map. Selecting a marker will display the time the user checked in and what the weather was at that time.
      When Snackbar appears, Floating Action Button slides up to stay in view.
      Pressing "Clear History" deletes all records from the database and clears the map.

Ming Li Assignment 4 Sensor and Sensorbility

Brief Description:
Marble Madness: One hole is drawn as a green circle, and represents the target that you are trying to maneuver the ball into. The other hole is drawn as a red circle. If your ball goes into the red circle, you lose! The ball is controlled by the accelerometer and the velocity and position of the ball follows the physical rule to change. Compass heading are used to sense the orientation. When the user rotates the device, the holes rotate in the opposite direction.
        1. Better to hold the phone horizontally then rotate.
        2. It takes time for the ball to change the velocity based on the accelorometer.

Ming Li Assignment 3 Criminal Intent

Brief Description:
        1. Change view based on orientation
        2. Extra features as TimePicker and Call Suspect.

Ming Li Assignment 2 Tic-Tac-Toe

Brief Description:
        1. Set player num and the first player in the options. You can also clear all previous scores there.
        2. Program works smoothly under rotation.

Ming Li Assignment 1

Implementation feature:
          1. Different layout for landscape and portrait orientation.
          2. Save the score and answered status when rotating.
          3. Credit is only given once to each question.