CSCI 448 - Mobile Application Development

Spring 2016

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Griffin Ciluffo's apps

Assignment 1

Simple Dragonball quiz that features multiple choice and fill in the blank answers. Only 3 questions in the app so far but can easily be extended to include many more questions

Assignemnt 2 - Tic Tac Toe

Created a game of tic tac toe with an options menu. The options menu can specify either 2 player mode, reseting the score and who goes first.

Assignment 3

Fully working app that documents crimes! Features include buttons that add crimes to a list. For each crime their date, person, picture and whether the crime has been solved or not, and sending crime information via an external messenger app is include for each crime. Used fragments for the first time that are hosted by activities. Fragments are also used for dialogs for displaying an image or selecting a date. When the device is put into landscape mode, the app will display a two pane view. One for the crimes and one for the details for the currently selected crime

Assigment 4(Sensors)

This is a simple game that uses two different sensors to detect the orientation of the phone and the tilt of the phone. The game is to get the green ball into the green hole by tilting and rotating a device. Tilting will make the ball move, rotating will make the holes move.

Assigment 5(Mapit)

This app lets you check into the current location you are at using the google maps api for android. It also stores the weather information at the time of checkin. All checkins are stored in a database.