Usiku by Tarehe

CSCI 448 - Mobile Application Development Final Project

Spring 2016

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C. Travis Johnson, Kyle Dymowski, and Zoe Nacol

| Description | Features | Screenshots | Trailer |


Tarehe Usiku is swahili for "Date Night," which captures the goal of this app. This mobile app will allow the user to keep track of three sets of data:

  1. Restaurants the user likes or has meant to try
  2. Activities the user likes or has meant to do
  3. Movies/TV Shows the user likes or has meant to watch

Furthermore, the user will be able to select an entry from these categories at random (either 1, 2, or all 3 categories at a time) or browse their custom lists. The ultimate goal is to help arbitrate decisions about what the user(s) ought to do (e.g. where to eat, what to do, or what to watch).


This mobile app makes use of a SQLite Database, Location Services, and Custom Views. The SQLite database maintains three SQL tables, one for each set of data the user can keep track of. The location services allow the user to see, from the list view, how far away a restaurant or activity (with which an address is associated) is from the user's current location. The custom views are responsible for the randomization/animation for selecting an activity, restaurant, or show in the "Slot View" fragment.

Some convenience features in the app include several OnClickListeners and OnLongClickListeners. When one of the custom "slot views" are clicked, it will display random colors until a new random title is displayed in the view. On a long click, the slot view will open directly to the edit/detail view for the corresponding title/database item displayed in the view. In the edit/detail view, if the address/location is set, then a long click of the location button will launch an implicit intent for the maps app to show directions from the current location to that address. Lastly, when a user picks a place from the Google Place Picker on the edit/detail view and the user has not already set a title, then the title of the place picked will be automatically filled into the title field.

