We created this app to serve as a companion for the CSCI448 class at Colorado School of Mines. This app makes things like checking assignment due dates, the grading rubric, or the TA's email more accessible on-the-go. Portability and accessibility were our main focuses for the student, and being able to easily update information on the app was our focus for the professor.
Our app takes the course webpage for CSCI448 and makes it easier to access via a mobile device. We took the home, assignment list, schedule, resources, and syllabus pages and condensed them into a simple format that a student can navigate to find exactly what they are looking for easily and quickly. All information you see on the app is held on a FireBase database, which can be easily updated by the professor in the case of due date changes, office hour adjustments, etc. Once this is updated, loading the app should show the new information. We also included links to Piazza and Canvas that will either open their respective apps if available or open a webview of their site. Our app is easy to navigate and use for the student and easy to update for the professor. to use for the student and easy to update for the professor.
This particular implementation, only capturing the CSCI448 class, is complete. Minor alterations could be made with a focus on accessibility, but the greatest future possibility for this app is to allow it to encompass any class at any school. Because of the simple format, there are a huge number of courses just at CSM that this app could be repurposed to accomodate. As such, creating a program that takes the skeletal structure of this app and the input of the professor could allow any professor to easily create an app for their class. In the mobile age we live in, this would empower professors to provide more resources to their students and assist their students in keeping up with their classes.