CSCI 448 - Mobile Application Development

Spring 2018

Cheevos: A Glorified To-Do List

T.B.D Apps

Dallas Andersen, Ethan Meeks, Truyen Van


/CHēvōz/, /tʃiɾoz/


  1. a thing done successfully, typically by effort, courage, or skill.
  2. the process or fact of achieving something

Achievements are something we as human beings strive for. Did you just hit a sick homerun at the baseball field?
Nice achievement. What about 1st place in a pie-eating contest? Nice achievement. With this app, you will be able to track
all of your achievements in one neat, compact to-do list!

Introducing Cheevos: A Glorified To-Do List

What Is This App?

This app allows users to track personal projects and goals. Each project will show a picture of their project,
the title, a short description, the start date, and the time elapsed since the start date. The user will know exactly how
many hours it has taken them to finish a certain task. After completion of the task, the user can successfully say they
have obtained a Cheevo. Use this app to organize your personal projects and show off to your friends how many
Cheevos you have.


  • Add a project to start
  • Manage your projects by dropping them or finishing them
  • Add milestones to your projects to track your progress towards your goal
