Welcome to Qshare

Qshare is a revolutionary file sharing application built on simple pre-existing Android features.

Minimal Recycler View
By including a recycler view in our main window, we simplified the content layout and minimized unnecessary navigation within the app.

Dropdown Menu
The dropdown menu holds navigation links less critical to app functionality than those placed in the floating menu.

Built-in Camera
Our developers decided it best to include a built-in camera to avoid transfer of data between the camera application and Qshare. This makes functionality of the app simpler for the end-user.

Floating Menu
The floating menu brings a fresh modern look to the main app fragment and only contains critical application function.

Settings Fragment
This application takes advantage of shared preferences to allow the user to save their preferred digital signature and other settings.
Check out some of our cool features!
- Scan QR-codes using built in camera
- Generate QR-codes for local files
- Share QR-codes with your friends
- Try to collect them all!

I learned how to use Qshare without my grandkids help
– Older couple

Collecting QR codes in Qshare is even more fun than Pokémon Cards!
– Ash Ketchum