Git Branching Exercise



This is an individual exercise. NOTE: This exercise is due at the beginning of class on the specified due date - it is not an in-class exercise.

Lesson: Branch and Merge, no conflicts

In this lesson you will practice creating branches, moving between branches, and merging. The only thing you will turn in (hard copy) is a drawing that shows the branches you created. Format will be similar to the figure below. You should create your drawing as you walk through the steps below.

Git Branching Exercise
Figure 1. Sample drawing to show branches

Step 1: setting up your repository

Create your DrawPlay project in Eclipse. Then create a repository and commit the src files. Remember to place a .gitignore file in your project folder. You do not need to use GitHub for this exercise.

Be sure to update your drawing with this initial commit (this would be like C0 on the example slide).

Step 2: Make some changes

In this step you'll update your code and commit.

Add this code as instance variables in your Cat class:

	// whiskers are about 1/4 the size of the head
	private static final int WHISKER_LENGTH = HEAD_DIMENSION/4;
	private static final int WHISKER_SLANT = 5;
	private static final int NUM_WHISKERS = 3;

And update the draw function:

		// Draw whiskers
		// Draw whiskers on the left of face
		// -2 draws whisker just to left of mouth
		x = catX + MOUTH_X - 2;
		// x2 is the other endpoint, depends on length of whisker 
		int x2 = x - WHISKER_LENGTH;
		// whiskers all start at the same "height" as the mouth, centered
		y = catY + MOUTH_Y + MOUTH_HEIGHT/2;
		// -5 gives a slight slant
		int y2 = y - WHISKER_SLANT;
		for (int i=0; i<NUM_WHISKERS; i++)
			g2.drawLine(x, y, x2, y2);
			y2 += WHISKER_SLANT; 			
		// Draw whiskers on the right of face, y stays the same
		x = catX + MOUTH_X + MOUTH_WIDTH + 2;
		x2 = x + WHISKER_LENGTH; 
		y2 = y - WHISKER_SLANT;
		for (int i=0; i<NUM_WHISKERS; i++)
			g2.drawLine(x, y, x2, y2);
			y2 += WHISKER_SLANT; 			

Step 3: Reverting

Sometimes you want to return to a previous version. You will use the hash shown in your git log. Do the following steps.

Note: in this example we're just going back to look at prior code, then coming forward again. There are other options, you may want to review

NOTE: This can be confusing, because it can seem like files have disappeared. Be sure you're comfortable with what's happening here! Nothing to add to your drawing, as we'll move forward from your second commit.

Step 4: Create a branch

In this step you'll create a branch that contains a mouse.

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;

public class Mouse {
	private static final int BODY_LENGTH = 50;
	private static final int BODY_HEIGHT = 20;
	private static final int TAIL_LENGTH = 40;
	public void draw(Graphics g, int mouseX, int mouseY)
		Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
		g2.fillOval(mouseX, mouseY, BODY_LENGTH, BODY_HEIGHT);
		int x = mouseX + BODY_LENGTH;
		int y = mouseY + BODY_HEIGHT/2;
		int x2 = x + TAIL_LENGTH;
		g2.drawLine(x, y, x2, y);
		// text appears below mouse body, +10 places below 
		// so it doesn't overlap the drawing
		g2.drawString("Squeak", mouseX, mouseY+BODY_HEIGHT+10);	

Step 5: Another branch

This is similar to the hotfix example. You should:

Another constant

	// ears are about 1/5 the size of the head
	private static final int EAR_SIZE = HEAD_DIMENSION/5;

Update draw function

		// Add ears
		// Draw left side of left ear
		x = catX + HEAD_DIMENSION/5;
		x2 = x + EAR_SIZE/2;
		y = catY + HEAD_DIMENSION/5;
		y2 = y - EAR_SIZE;
		g2.drawLine(x, y, x2, y2);
		// Draw right side of right ear
		// Note that we reverse x/x2 and y/y2
		x = x2 + EAR_SIZE/2;
		g2.drawLine(x2, y2, x, y);
		// Draw left side of right ear
		x2 = x + EAR_SIZE/2;
		g2.drawLine(x2, y2, x, y);
		// Draw right side of right ear
		x = x2 + EAR_SIZE/2;
		g2.drawLine(x2, y2, x, y);

Step 6: Return to the mouse

In this step you will finish working on the mouse and merge the mouse into the master.

Final Drawing

Step 7: Your Design

Create and merge another branch of your choice. For example, you might add another animal, make changes to existing code (e.g., change colors or shapes), etc. Be sure to avoid conflicts, we'll cover that in a future exercise. (kudos if you do generate conflicts then figure out on your own how to handle). Update your drawing appropriately.

Step 8: Optional

Git log has a number of options that will display the branch structure for you. Do a google search and experiment.