CSCI 444/544 - Advanced Computer Graphics

Spring 2019

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Below are a set of images rendered using combinations of Gourad shading, Phong shading, Phong illumination, and Blinn-Phong illumination.
Below are two images of a teapot that has been draw using Bezier surfaces created by a tesselation shader. Both images use phong shading, and the second uses a geometry shader to add a wireframe over the teapot in a single pass. The second image also displays the Bezier surfaces' control points.

Here Perlin noise is used to create a procedural marble texture. The screenshots don't show it, but the second teapot is using four dimensional Perlin noise to make the texture vary in time.

The noise is effectively just being used to change the material properties of the teapots. This means they can still take advantage of Phong shading and Blinn-Phong to make them look like a polished stone.

Here is an example of using an offline raytracing renderer to render an image that uses reflection, refraction, iridescence, and noise based texturing.