CSCI 441 - Computer Graphics

Fall 2021 - Achievements

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Blue Teapot2015: Asgard Green Teapot2016: Mount Olympus Red Teapot2017: Aaru Park Grey Teapot2018: Findias Speedway
White Teapot2019: Hanan Pacha Black Teapot2020: Onogoro Island Rainbow Teapot2021: The Colosseum

Colosseum Heroes that Earned the
Take the Red Pill Achievement

AceAsgerBonesChief Chris
DaBabyDaynight CinderblockDeimosFaerin CinthiusFlora Lupine
Frances the MuteGarrickGiganJotaro KujoLotuim
MayZRostRoxas No. XIIIScratchyaisoutSkiFree Skier
SmellsTony VibesWhOdOuThInKuRiAmZasorri Khashareth
Last Updated: 12/16/21 14:35
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Any questions, comments, corrections, or request for use please contact jpaone {at} mines {dot} edu.
Copyright © 2015-2021 Jeffrey R. Paone
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