CSCI 441 - Computer Graphics

Fall 2019

Hank Hill

Final Project - The Grand (Re)Opening!

This program is similar to mario kart. You drive around on rainbow road, trying to set the fastest time and avoiding the penguin. Be careful not to fall off!

Image of final project

Assignment 7 - Avoid The Park Mascots

This program uses shader programs and textures to play a very simple game. Try to avoid the rolling boulders while making it to the park gate.

Image of assignment 7

Assignment 6 - Erect the Park's Main Attraction

This program uses shaders and glsl to texture a skybox and to draw a particle system. The raindrops fall from the sky and disapper when they get to the floor.

Image of assignment 6
Assignment 5 - Erect the Park's Main Attraction

This program uses shaders and glsl to texture a skybox and to draw and light a model of a car. It uses Phong lighting model to light the model in the center of the screen.

Image of assignment 5
Roller Coaster Tycoon

This assignment was made with two other people. It features a bezier curve rollercoaster and a bezier surface ground. There are two other characters beside myself. Two of us are moving along the rollercoaster and the third moves along the surface on the ground. You can switch cameras using number keys, including a picture-in-picture mode for first person.

Image of the midterm assignment
Assignment 4 - Sell Out

This assignment is the same as the last, except there is now a fairy that moves along a bezier curve.

Image of fourth assignment
Assignment 3 - Enter the Park

In this assignment I created a car, a grid, and city in 3D using OpenGL. You can drive around using WASD. The teapot shows your direction of travel and the wheels rotate as you drive.

Image of third assignment
Assignment 2 - Employee of the Month

In this assignment I created Hank Hill using OpenGL primitives. You can move him using WASD, and his eyes follow your mouse. Also, clicking will turn his eyes red. Using shift and the scroll wheel, you can scale him and with alt and the scroll wheel you can rotate his arms.

Image of second assignment
Assignment 1 - Hoist Your Sign

In this assignment I created the name of my hero and a small emblem to represent him using OpenGL. The letters are written using triangle strips. The face is made using a combination of lines, triangles, triangle fans, and triangle strips.

Image of first assignment