CSCI 441 - Computer GraphicsFall 2016 |
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MatthaiosThis is Matthaios' Banner! This is Matthaios' homeworld of Athens! First project I ever did in OpenGl! My first attempt at animation. My hero walks around the screen based on arrow key input. My hero also shoots fireballs at the mouse when the user clicks. Finally, the eyes always follow the mouse. My first attempt at 3D modeling. I added a simple car complete with rotating tires and emergency flashers. It drives around a city scape and can't leave the boundaries of the map. An extension of the Driving Simulator pictured above, this project included a Bezier Curve that our pet follows. The curve also rotates and follows the car as it drives around. For this assignment I added a skybox and textures to various objects throughout the world. I also added a vertex shader and fragment shader to the venus de milo object. For this assignment I added a particle system to my assignment 5 project. It comes with a textured transparent raindrop and custom shaders! This assignment was my first collection style game. It is complete with enemies trying to kill you, and you have to drive on the squares to capture them. This assignment was my final project for Graphics Class. It is complete with two shaders, two lights, and lots of logic. | |