CSCI 441 - Computer GraphicsFall 2016 |
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"Lyra Vestos"![]() Final Project ---------- For the final project we used fileIO to read in a maze file. The program then creates a textured maze using that file that has collision. The play is a horse that is animated that has to navigate through the maze. Shaders and light are applied to objects in the scene, with Venus de Milo showing dead ends. Assignment 7 ---------- This file contains the implementation of a simple collision detection. Particles, i.e. spheres, roll around the screen. If they collide with the edge of the bounding box, they fall off of the world. If two spheres collide they will randomly spawn somewhere else. If they collide with the user it's game over. If the user goes into the black sphere they win! Lab 11 ---------- This file contains the implementation of a simple collision detection. Particles, i.e. spheres, roll around the screen. If they collide with the edge of the bounding box, they bounce back into the world. There are checks to also see if two particles collide in a perfectly elastic collision. Assignment 6 ---------- This assignment incorporates a textured skybox around the world. It also imports a Venus de Milo object and applies shaders. You can notice the particles falling through the sky that are billboarded so they can face the user. They fall until they hit the ground and then vanish, while more spawn from the sky. Assignment 5 ---------- This assignment incorporates a textured skybox around the world. It also imports a Venus de Milo object and applies shaders. Lab 09 ---------- Here I got to apply shaders to spheres, showing one with the shader on, and the other off. I also got to use uniform variables to alter one quadrant of the sphere. MIDTERM ---------- This program implements Bezier Curves that two heros follow automatically. The user controls a thrid hero and has menu options to enable/disable different viewports or go to a freecam. The third hero can be controlled with WASD and the freecam uses WS and the mouse. A file provides the points for the Bezier Curve. *pictures will be updated after fall break* Assignment 4 ---------- This assignment incorporates Bezier Curves around the player. A follower is then moved along that curve with constant animation. Right-clicking enables the user to open a menu in which they can toggle the control cage and bezier curves to see how they are placed. Lab 03 ---------- Here I got to implement Bezier Curves after reading in points from an input file. The green spheres are the points, the yellow lines are the lines between the points, and the blue curve is the Bezier Curve itself. Assignment 3 ---------- This assignment allows the user to navigate Lyra's wagon around a city using WASD and the mouse. The user can zoom in and out and also change the location of the camera. The wagon is made out of GLU Quadrics and animation is used when the wagon is still, and when it's moving. Lab 02 ---------- In lab02 I got to make an arcball cam that could navigate through a city. You can see it's implementation in A3 (above). Side Quest 1 ---------- This Side Quest allowed me to create my own minigame using Lyra Vestos as a playable character. Using WASD you control Lyra and try to make your way up the Sseldne Tower, gaining a point after each floor. Clicking the mouse teleports Lyra to that location, but be careful! Only 3 teleports are allowed. Lab 01 ---------- Lab01 taught me how to have constant animation with a timer along with using double buffers. I was also able to incorporate mouse clicks, mouse movements, and keyboard inputs. This helped me a ton for SQ1. Assignment 2 ---------- For this assignment I created my hero, Lyra Vestos, the fairy from Swampton. I included movewment with WASD, passive sparkles animation, and teleportation on mouse clicks. I then made my character able to leave the screen to go to new areas. I decided to make her using pixel art because I really like the style, but therefore had to create a ton of rectangles. Assignment 1 ---------- For this assignment I had to create my banner for my hero (as seen at the top of the page). I had to use a lot of object-oriented programming to create all of the letters and transform them. It took me a little while to figure out how best to do diagonal rectangles, but I found that it was easier to just use triangle strips. I used the title screen of Stranger Things as inspiration, but added my own things to it. Lab 00 ---------- ![]() ![]() In this lab I got to practice creating and transforming primitives in OpenGL. I got to create a rough sketch of my hero's homeworld, in this case it was a swamp! I can't wait to actually make this world explorable and in 3D, but until then I'll have to be satisfied with my retro-looking swamp. |