CSCI 441 - Computer Graphics

Fall 2015 - Assignment 0 - So You Want To Be A Hero

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This assignment is due by August 27, 2015 by 11:59pm.

Part I - Create a Piazza Account

If you have not used Picassa before for any other classes, here is a short description. In order to facilitate an open discussion outside of the classroom, we will be using the online web forum Piazza. Piazza allows anyone to ask a follow up question and for anyone to contribute a response. Many times other students will have the same question that you have or they will have a problem you previously had. This forum is useful for receiving quick responses and multiple solutions.

When a new question appears, the instructors will allow time for student responses. You are encouraged to help your fellow students (and remember responding to an existing question earns your experience point). The instructors will then mark an existing response as correct or provide the a hint in the right direction after a brief time as passed.

It is possible to post anonymous questions or send private messages to the instructor, but keep in mind that anonymous posts will not gain you experience towards leveling up.

To create an account and register for the class site, use the following link:

Part II - Tell Us About Yourself

Once you have signed up for the class on Piazza, tell us a little about yourself by adding an introductory post. At a minimum, include the information below as well as anything else you feel is interesting for us all to know.
  • Name
  • Year
  • Why you signed up for the course
  • An interesting fact or two about yourself

Part III - Email Two Selfies

In order to help me learn all of your names as quickly as possible, please send an email to the professor with two images of yourself. The first should just be an image of your face. The second, please create a sign that has your name displayed and hold it up in view with your face. Be creative! Extra kudos for photos from the rock wall or pool.

Part IV - Create Your Hero

Choose your heroTo enter the World of Asgard, you must create a Hero for yourself. Your hero will be your online presence in this course and you will take your hero throughout the World of Asgard. In future assignments, you will bring your hero to life by creating an avatar for yourself. Later you will create your hero's home world.

As you create your hero, begin thinking about what your hero looks like. What accessories and pieces of equipment does your hero have?

Your hero will gain experience as you complete tasks and assignments. There are also hidden skills and achievements for your hero to uncover. As stated in the syllabus previously, your hero's level correlates to your participation grade in this course. There are many ways to gain experience points (XP) and as the course progresses you will quickly learn different ways to earn XP. Lastly, your hero's XP will be used to rank you amongst all the heroes in Asgard. You can check your World Ranking on the Leaderboard.

To get started, fill out this online google form and let the professor know a little about your computer science background. Then, create your hero. Be as creative as you wish (or if you have a favorite character from a book, movie, game, etc. feel free to try and emulate them). NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to modify or reject any inappropriate responses (you don't want to be known as "Hero_183726" for the rest of the course).

Grading Rubric

Your submission will be graded according to the following rubric.

PercentageRequirement Description
25%Create a Piazza account and register for CSCI 441 Fall 2015
25%Add a post telling us about yourself with the info from Part II above.
25%Email two selfies to the professor.
25%Create your hero by submitting the Google Form.

Experience Gained & Available Achievements

Assignment Attribute
Assignments +100 XP
Piazza Attribute
Piazza +1 XP
I Want To Be A Hero
I Want To Be A Hero


The introductory post must be completed on the Piazza website. Your Hero must be submitted through the Google Form.

This assignment is due by August 27, 2015 by 11:59pm.
Last Updated: 01/01/70 00:00

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