12 Questions to analyze your personality! 1 After prolonged socializing you feel you need to get away and be alone I E 2 You often contemplate the complexity of life N S 3 Your decisions are based more on the feeling of a moment than on thorough planning F T 4 You are inclined to rely more on improvisation than on prior planning P J 1 You rapidly get involved in the social life of a new club E I 2 You tend to rely on your experience rather than on theory S N 3 Strict observance of the established rules is likely to prevent attaining a good outcome T F 4 You are always looking for opportunities P J 1 When with a group of people, you enjoy being directly involved and being at the centre of attention I E 2 When solving a problem you would rather follow a familiar approach than seek a new one S N 3 Your actions are frequently influenced by your emotions F T 4 As a rule, you proceed only when you have a clear and detailed plan J P @ Credit to humanmetrics.com