CSCI 262 Data Structures

Spring 2018

Lab 10: Inheritance

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This lab will walk you through some exercises concerning inheritance. As usual, we ask that you work with a partner or a team. If you end up solo, please raise your hand and we'll pair you with someone else (or make a three-person team if necessary). You are welcome to change partners throughout the semester!


Step 0: go ahead and create a new project for this lab. Download and unpack to the directory of your choice. Import the files from into your project. Note there is just one .cpp file, which contains a main() function, and two header files. As provided, the code should compile and run.

Step 1: simple inheritance

Spend some time looking through the code provided. There are two classes provided, int_counter and mod_counter. Start with int_counter. The int_counter class models a very simple object which keeps track of how many times the object has received an increment() command. There is a default constructor, which simply initializes the object to start at a count of zero. There is also a reset() method, which can be used to reset the counter to zero. Finally, there is a to_string() method to obtain a printable representation of the counter's current state.

Take a look now at mod_counter. This class models a counter which rolls over at a given value, returning to zero - "mod" is short for "modulus" in this case - the counter represents the number of times the counter has received the increment() command, mod some value. You can see that mod_counter inherits from int_counter. The mod_counter class provides a constructor which requires a parameter (the modulus at which to roll over), and overrides the increment() method. The other two methods are simply inherited, as the inherited behavior is appropriate for those methods.

Taking another look at int_counter, you may notice that we've used a visibility that we've previously not discussed: protected. The reason we haven't discussed it until now is that the protected visibility only has meaning in the context of inheritance. The difference between protected and private is that private members are not visible to the inheriting (child) classes, while protected members remain protected in the child classes. Because mod_counter needs to examine and update the _value instance variable, it was necessary to make it protected; alternately, of course, we could have created setters and getters and used those from the child class. (Or made everything public, but that would make it possible for a user to modify the _value to some invalid state for the mod_counter - e.g., some value greater than the modulus.)

Finally, note that mod_counter has its own private variable to hold the modulus at which the counter will roll over.

If you fire up the program and run it, you can see the two kinds of counter in action; the main() function creates pointers to one of each of the types of counter; the mod_counter object is initialized with a modulus of 7.

Take some time to play around with the code, keeping in mind the lecture we recently had on inheritance and polymorphism. In particular, try the following (don't worry about messing up the code - we're going to throw it away in a moment anyway):

Step 2: abstract base class

Go ahead and discard all of the code used in step 1, or else create a new project. Then download and add all of its files to your project.

Exploring this code base, you can see we've added a couple of classes. One is simply called counter, and is now the base of our class hierarchy; we've modified int_counter to inherit from counter. The other new class is called bit_counter, and it also inherits from counter.

The bit_counter class is just a fun way of showing binary counting, for various widths of binary numbers. Essentially you construct it with a particular bit width, and when it is converted to a string, it represents its count as a binary number with that many digits. The count is actually stored as a string of zeros and ones, rather than as an integer: theoretically, it can represent much larger values than an int - just use a very large width. It isn't terribly important that you examine this code in any depth, but feel free!

Pay special attention to the counter class. Notice that all the methods in this class are pure virtual, making this class an abstract class. You can verify for yourself that you cannot create any counter objects. However, we are going to use the fact that all of the counter objects ultimately inherit from counter to demonstrate polymorphic behavior in main().

The main() function declares an array of 5 counter pointers; the first two are bit counters of different widths, next is an integer counter, followed by a mod counter and another integer counter. Note that we are simply looping over the array of counter objects, not worrying or caring what type is actually stored on the other end of the pointer; we simply execute to_string() and increment() on each counter. We are guaranteed that these methods exist, if we can instantiate the objects at all, because the methods were declared in the common base class counter.

Step 3: your contribution

For the final step, we ask that you create another counter type: a "bounded" integer counter. This counter will count up to a fixed bound, and then go no further. That is, if its bound is 100, the counter will start at zero, count up to 100, and then stay on 100 forever (unless reset() is called).

Call your new class bounded_counter, and have it inherit from int_counter. (Do everything inline, so you only need a bounded_counter.h file and no additional .cpp file.) Decide which methods need to be overridden, and what additional members you need. It should only be possible to construct a bounded_counter with a specified bound - there should be no default constructor.

You can test your new class by modifying lab10.cpp; replace the last int_counter object in the array with a bounded_counter object constructed with a bound of 10. Then run the code; you should get the following output:

00000000  0000  0  0  0  Enter to continue, q to quit 
00000001  0001  1  1  1  Enter to continue, q to quit 
00000010  0010  2  2  2  Enter to continue, q to quit 
00000011  0011  3  3  3  Enter to continue, q to quit 
00000100  0100  4  4  4  Enter to continue, q to quit 
00000101  0101  5  5  5  Enter to continue, q to quit 
00000110  0110  6  6  6  Enter to continue, q to quit 
00000111  0111  7  0  7  Enter to continue, q to quit 
00001000  1000  8  1  8  Enter to continue, q to quit 
00001001  1001  9  2  9  Enter to continue, q to quit 
00001010  1010  10  3  10  Enter to continue, q to quit 
00001011  1011  11  4  10  Enter to continue, q to quit 
00001100  1100  12  5  10  Enter to continue, q to quit 
00001101  1101  13  6  10  Enter to continue, q to quit 
00001110  1110  14  0  10  Enter to continue, q to quit 
00001111  1111  15  1  10  Enter to continue, q to quit 
00010000  0000  16  2  10  Enter to continue, q to quit 
00010001  0001  17  3  10  Enter to continue, q to quit 

Submission instructions: create a .zip file containing your bounded_counter.h file, a README containing your name and your partner's name (and anything else you want to tell us), and submit the .zip file to Canvas.


Correctly functioning bounded_counter class 5 points
Code style 5 points
Total: 10 points