CSCI 261 - Programming Concepts (C++)

Fall 2017 - Assignment 4 - Wheel of Fortune!

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This assignment is due by Tuesday, October 10, 2017 11:59 PM.

This assignment exercises your ability to use conditionals, loops, and arrays together.


Your goal for this assignment is to create a playable Wheel of Fortune (Hangman) game. You will need to create a secret word for the user to try and guess one letter at a time.

First you need to ask the user to enter a letter. Then you'll check if that letter exists in your secret word. If it does exist, then you should tell the user and display the puzzle with the letter revealed. If the letter does not exist, then inform user the letter is not found. You will repeat this process until all the correct letters have been guessed or the user has entered 12 wrong letters.

Hopefully it is readily clear that you will need to use a loop to keep prompting the user to enter a letter. You will also need to use conditionals to check if the letter exists. You will need to use an array to store the secret letters (since a word is just a collection of letters). We'll also need arrays to keep track of the previously guessed letters (we don't want the player to guess wrong a second time) and the solved letters.

An example of a winning game:

Wheel! Of!! Fortune!!!

Take a guess: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Your guess: a
There's a A!

Take a guess: _ _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ _ _
Your guess: c
Sorry, no C's. You have 11 wrong guesses remaining.

Take a guess: _ _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ _ _
Your guess: a
You already guessed A.


Take a guess: P R O _ R A M M I N _
Your guess: g
There's a G!
CONGRATS! You solved the puzzle: P R O G R A M M I N G

An example of a losing game:

Wheel! Of!! Fortune!!!

Take a guess: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Your guess: a
There's a A!

Take a guess: _ _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ _ _
Your guess: c
Sorry, no C's. You have 11 wrong guesses remaining.

Take a guess: _ _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ _ _
Your guess: q
Sorry, no Q's. You have 10 wrong guesses remaining.


Take a guess: _ _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ _ _
Your guess: w
Sorry, no W's. You have 1 wrong guess remaining.

Take a guess: _ _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ _ _
Your guess: X
Sorry, no X's.
You lose. Try again!


  • You are going to need to use multiple arrays. These arrays correspond to:
    1. The secret word that is being guessed.
    2. The "current board" of letters the user has found.
    3. The list of letters the user has already guessed.
    Think about what is the most appropriate type for each array. They may not all be of type char depending on your implementation.

  • You'll need loops in multiple places:
    1. Continue asking the user for letters until solved or out of guesses
    2. Printing the current puzzle
    3. Checking if the letter exists in the puzzle
    4. Checking if the puzzle is solved

Functional Requirements

  • The user is allowed to guess using upper or lower case letters.
  • The user cannot guess the same letter more than once. Alert the user if they already guessed a letter.
  • The user is allowed 12 wrong guesses before losing the game.
  • Your secret word must be at least 6 letters long. This secret word must be stored in an array.
  • You must use arrays (not vectors)
  • Create a function to print the current solved puzzle
  • Create a function to return true or false if the letter has been already guessed
  • Function prototypes must be placed in a *.h file and the definitions in a corresponding *.cpp file

Grading Rubric

Your submission will be graded according to the following rubric.

Points Requirement Description
2 All code submitted properly
6 Labs completed
2 Autograder Tests Passed
8 Game is properly playable
8 Functional requirements met above
2 (1) Comments used (2) Coding style followed (3) Appropriate variable names, constants, and data types used (4) Instructions followed
28 Total Points


Always, always, ALWAYS update the header comments at the top of your main.cpp file. And if you ever get stuck, remember that there is LOTS of help available.

From your Cloud9 workspace, right click on the A4 folder in your workspace tree. Select "Download" from the pop-up menu. This will download a file called to your computer. It contains all the files of your A4 folder (therefore Lab4A, Lab4B, Lab4C, Assignment 4). Now in Canvas, go to Assignments > A4. Upload your file you just downloaded. And voila! Easy peasy.

This assignment is due by Tuesday, October 10, 2017 11:59 PM.
Last Updated: 10/10/17 20:57

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