Style Guidelines
· Functions.h
· Functions.cpp
· Class.h
· Class.cpp
// this is a single line comment /* * this is a block comment that * can span several lines */ // place all header files you've written together, in alphabetical order // include on the header files you need #include "Functions.h" // be sure to ONLY include the header // files and not the implementation files #include "Class.h" // place all C++ standard libraries together, in alphabetical order // include only the libraries you need #include <fstream> // for file streams (ifstream, ofstream) #include <iomanip> // for I/O Manipulators (precision, aligning, etc.) #include <iostream> // for standard input/output #include <string> // for string library #include <vector> // for vector library using namespace std; // we are using the standard namespace // place all C standard libraries together, in alphabetical order // include only the libraries you need #include <cctype> // for tolower(), isalpha(), etc. #include <cmath> // for sqrt(), pow(), sin(), etc. #include <cstdlib> // for srand(), rand() #include <ctime> // for time() /* * any variables defined above main() are in global scope and can be * accessed anywhere. This is BAD. Only declare & define constants * in global scope. */ const double PI_VALUE = 3.1415926535; // structs are named using UpperSnakeCase to denote it is a datatype struct ClassRoom { string buildingName; int roomNumber; }; // every program must have a main() function // - it is the entry point to our program int main() { // the curly brace begins a new code block srand( time(0) ); // seed the RNG - do this once per program as first statement // indent the contents of a code block a single tab length // Template for variable declaration // anything inside of [brackets] is optional // Version1: [modifiers] dataType identifierName [= initialValue]; // Version2: [modifiers] dataType identifierName[(initialValue)]; int ageOfColosseum; // declare a variable // use lowerCamelCase to make a descriptive variable name ageOfColosseum = 1940; // define a variable (assign a value) int numRomanEmperors = 71; // declare and define a variable in one line const int VATICAN_BUILT = 1626; // declare and define a constant // must define a constant when it is defined // use UPPER_SNAKE_CASE to make a descriptive constant name // declare (and define) multiple variables of the same type at once char firstInitial = 'I', secondInitial('T'), currentEmperorInitial; cout << "The Colosseum was built in 70-80 A.D. and is " << ageOfColosseum << " years old." << endl; cout << endl; // when prompting the user to enter a value via cin, preceed the input with a prompt // using cout so the user knows what to enter int currentYear; cout << "Please enter the current 4 digit year (e.g. 1999): "; cin >> currentYear; cout << "St. Peter's Basilica was built in " << VATICAN_BUILT << " and is " << (currentYear - VATICAN_BUILT) << " years old." << endl; if( currentYear >= 2400 ) { // indent the contents of a new code block cout << "Duck Dodgers of the 24th and a Half Century!" << endl; } else if( currentYear >= 2000 ) { // place else if and else on the same line the prior code block ends cout << "In the year 2000, robots will do 80% of the work. - Conan O'Brien." << endl; } else { // use curly braces to denote a code block for if/else if/else even if the code // block only has one statement cout << "Let's party like it's 1999. - Prince" << endl; } for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { // indent the contents of a new code block // use a code block for a for loop even if it contains only a single statement cout << i << endl; } char userResponse; do { cout << "Enter a letter (q to quit): "; cin >> userResponse; } while( userResponse != 'q' ); // place the while on the same line as the end of the do // for function calls, add spaces within the () and after each argument cout << "5 + 3 = " << add( 5, 3 ) << endl; cout << "5 - 3 = " << sub( 5, 3 ) << endl; ClassRoom lectureLab; // create a variable of our custom struct type lectureLab.building = "Brown"; // access components of a structure using dot operator lectureLab.roomNumber = 316; cout << "The length of the building name is: " << lectureLab.building.length() // access string functions with dot operator << endl; // Template for vector declaration // anything inside of [brackets] is optional // Version1: [const] vector< dataType > identifierName; // Version2: [const] vector< dataType > identifierName[(initialSize)]; // Version3: [const] vector< dataType > identifierName[(initialSize, initialValue)]; vector<int> numbers; // create an empty vector of integers numbers.push_back( 5 ); // add the value 5 to the vector 0 ) = 6; // access individual elements using the at() function Calculator fourFunctionCalc( 4.5, 3.5 ); // object names follow lowerCamelCase cout << fourFunctionCalc.getLeftHandSide() << " + " << fourFunctionCalc.getRightHandSide() << " = " << fourFunctionCalc.add() << endl; fourFunctionCalc.setLeftHandSide( 13.0 ); fourFunctionCalc.setRightHandSide( 1.5 ); cout << fourFunctionCalc.getLeftHandSide() << " / " << fourFunctionCalc.getRightHandSide() << " = " << fourFunctionCalc.divide() << endl return 0; // alert the OS our program exited with result 0 (success) } // the curly brace ends the code block that it corresponds to // every open brace needs a matching end brace
// place header guards around all your header files // make the name of the file the name of the value to test for // use UPPER_SNAKE_CASE for your definition value #ifndef FUNCTIONS_H // ask compiler if FUNCTIONS_H has been #define FUNCTIONS_H // if not, define FUNCTIONS_H // place ALL function prototypes into the header file // adds two integers together int add( int x, int y ); // subtracts two integers, y from x (x-y) int sub( int x, int y ); #endif // FUNCTIONS_H // ends the corresponding #ifndef
#include "Functions.h" // include the file with the corresponding prototypes int add( int x, int y ) { // function definition return x + y; } int sub( int x, int y ) { return x - y; }
// place header guards around all your header files // make the name of the file the name of the value to test for // use UPPER_SNAKE_CASE for your definition value #ifndef CLASSNAME_H // ask compiler if CLASSNAME_H has been #define CLASSNAME_H // if not, define CLASSNAME_H // place a single Class declaration into its own file class Calculator { // class names follow UpperCamelCase public: Calculator(); // provide a default constructor Calculator(double, double); // provide a parameterized constructor // create getters and setters (if appropriate) for your private data members double getLeftHandSide() const; // getters are const functions void setLeftHandSide(double); double getRightHandSide() const; void setRightHandSide(double); // add any other related functions and mark as const if they do not change the callee double add() const; double subtract() const; double multiply() const; double divide() const; private: double _leftHandSide; // private data members begin with underscore _ double _rightHandSide; }; #endif // CLASSNAME_H // ends the corresponding #ifndef
#include "Class.h" // include the file with the corresponding prototypes Calculator::Calculator() { _leftHandSide = 1; _rightHandSide = 1; } Calculator::Calculator( double lhs, double rhs ) { _leftHandSide = lhs; _rightHandSide = rhs; } double Calculator::getLeftHandSide() const { return _leftHandSide; } void Calculator::setLeftHandSide(double lhs) { _leftHandSide = lhs; } double Calculator::getRightHandSide() const { return _rightHandSide; } void Calculator::setRightHandSide(double rhs) { _rightHandSide = rhs; } double Calculator::add() const { return _leftHandSide + _rightHandSide; } double Calculator::subtract() const { return _leftHandSide - _rightHandSide; } double Calculator::multiply() const { return _leftHandSide * _rightHandSide; } double Calculator::divide() const { if( _rightHandSide != 0 ) { return _leftHandSide / _rightHandSide; } else { return 0; } }