CSCI 261 - Programming Concepts - Spring 2022

Lab 5A - Double The Fun

This lab is due by Wednesday, April 13, 2022 11:59 PM.
As with all labs you may, and are encouraged, to pair program a solution to this lab. If you choose to pair program a solution, be sure that you individually understand how to generate the correct solution.


You are encouraged to use your templated singly-linked list as the starting point for this lab.

The Doubly-Linked List Class

We are going to now make a new class called DoublyLinkedList. This will necessitate creating a new struct for a DoublyNode to store the previous and next pointers.

The DoublyLinkedList class needs to have the following public methods created:

To test your implementation, perform in main.cpp the following steps in order:

  1. Create a doubly linked list of integers
  2. Add the value 6 at pos 0
  3. Add the value 5 at pos 0
  4. Add the value 7 at pos 5
  5. Add the value 1 at pos -3
  6. Add the value 2 at pos 1
  7. Add the value 9 at pos 2
  8. Add the value 3 at pos 2
  9. Print the list forwards (prints 1 2 3 9 5 6 7)
  10. Print the list backwards (prints 7 6 5 9 3 2 1)
  11. Set pos 3 to be 4
  12. Print the list forwards (prints 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
  13. Remove pos -2
  14. Remove pos 9
  15. Remove pos 2
  16. Get and print pos 2 (prints 5)
  17. Print the size (prints 4)
  18. Print the list forwards (prints 2 3 5 6)
  19. Delete the doubly linked list

Lab Submission

Submit your DoublyNode.hpp, DoublyLinkedList.hpp, main.cpp file(s).

You will submit your solution to this lab with the rest of Set5. Detailed instructions for doing this are posted in Assignment 5.

This lab is due by Wednesday, April 13, 2022 11:59 PM.
As with all labs you may, and are encouraged, to pair program a solution to this lab. If you choose to pair program a solution, be sure that you individually understand how to generate the correct solution.