CSCI 261 - Programming Concepts - Spring 2022

A0 - Assignment 0

→This assignment is due by Thursday, January 13, 2022, 11:59 PM.←
→ As with all assignments, this must be an individual effort and cannot be pair programmed. Any debugging assistance must follow the course collaboration policy and be cited in the comment header block for the assignment.←
→ Do not forget to complete the following labs with this set: L0

· Instructions · Rubric ·

Part I - Tell Us About Yourself

You should already have an account for the course on Piazza. If you do not, contact your instructor right away to get added. Once you do have access, please tell us a little about yourself by adding an introductory post. At a minimum, include the information below as well as anything else you feel is interesting for us all to know. You may find out someone has the same interests as you!

To receive full credit, you must create your post with the following specifications:

Piazza will be the main point of communication for the course so become familiar with the interface. You will need to read the pinned post before you are able to begin posting. Please follow the posting guidelines. Posts that do not adhere to the posting guidelines will be removed with a request to properly repost the question.

Part II - Submit Two Selfies

In order to help us learn all of your names as quickly as possible, submit two PowerPoint slides to Canvas each with an image of yourself. The first slide should just be an image of your face. On the second slide, please create a sign that has your name displayed and hold it up in view next to your face. Be creative! Extra kudos for photos from the rock wall or pool.

Part III - Take the Prereq Survey

The prerequisite for this course is CSCI 101. In Canvas, go to Assignments and choose Prereq Survey. This quiz is graded only for completion and serves as a self-test of concepts we will be using during the semester. If there is an area you are unsure of, then make a note to yourself to review that material.

Grading Rubric

Your submission will be graded according to the following rubric.

PointsRequirement Description
1 All labs completed and submitted.
1 Add a post to Piazza.
1 Submit two selfies to Canvas.
1 Complete prereq survey.
4 Total Points

→This assignment is due by Thursday, January 13, 2022, 11:59 PM.←
→ As with all assignments, this must be an individual effort and cannot be pair programmed. Any debugging assistance must follow the course collaboration policy and be cited in the comment header block for the assignment.←
→ Do not forget to complete the following labs with this set: L0