CSCI 261 - Programming ConceptsSpring 2019 - Lab 5C - Matrix TranspositionQuick Links: Canvas | Mines | Piazza | zyBooks |
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This lab is due by Thursday, March 7, 2019 11:59 PM. InstructionsFor this lab, your task is to first
define a NxM matrix (e.g. two-dimensional array). Then you should
prompt the user to enter the values for the matrix. Your program should
be able to work with any values of N and M (i.e. declare N and M, or
more clearly stated, your ROWS and COLUMNS as constants at the beginning
of your program).
Once the user has entered in all the
values, print the matrix back to the user. Be sure to align the values
so the matrix is easily readable by the user.
Now define a new matrix of size MxN to
represent the transpose. Store the transpose of the user's matrix and
then print the transposed matrix to the user.
An example run with output is shown
Welcome to the Matrix Calculator!
Please enter a 4x3 matrix: Enter Row 1 Column 1: 5 Enter Row 1 Column 2: 5 Enter Row 1 Column 3: 5 Enter Row 2 Column 1: 1 Enter Row 2 Column 2: 2 Enter Row 2 Column 3: 3 Enter Row 3 Column 1: 10 Enter Row 3 Column 2: 2 Enter Row 3 Column 3: 4 Enter Row 4 Column 1: 2 Enter Row 4 Column 2: 2 Enter Row 4 Column 3: 2 The matrix you entered is: [ 5 5 5 ] [ 1 2 3 ] [ 10 2 4 ] [ 2 2 2 ] The transpose of the matrix is: [ 5 1 10 2 ] [ 5 2 2 2 ] [ 5 3 4 2 ] Have a nice day! Hints
Functional Requirements
Lab SubmissionYou will submit your solution to this lab with the rest of Set5. Detailed instructions for doing this are posted in Assignment 5. This lab is due by Thursday, March 7, 2019 11:59 PM. | |
Last Updated: 05/24/18 05:12