CSCI 261 - Programming Concepts (C++)

Spring 2018 - Lab 0

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This lab is due by Thursday, January 11, 2018 11:59 PM .

Cloud9 Setup

First, why is this lab zero instead of lab one? Because computer scientists always start with zero! (This will become more evident later in the semester ... there's a reason why we do it!)

Before you begin working on any programming project, you must set up some kind of "workspace" on your computer. Software engineers call this "setting up your development environment" or "setting up your dev-env". For this class, you will need only two things: an internet connection and a web browser. Cloud9 is an online IDE (integrated development environment) that you can access anywhere you have an internet connection. You will get the same look and feel from every computer. And better yet, you have access to all your files from any computer as well!

You should have already received an invitation from Cloud9 to join the csci101ffa17 team (we reused an old account, apologies for the onetime confusion). If you haven't already, go ahead and create an account. Once you're logged in, you'll see a blank window asking you to create a workspace. Perfect, let's get started.

Access the Team Workspace

Along the left blue pane, you'll see a section for "Your Team Subscriptions." Click "CSCI 261 Spring 2018" and you will see a workspace that has already been created for in class examples by jpaone titled "CSCI 261 Class Examples". If you click open, that will bring you to the class examples workspace which opens in a new tab. Feel free to poke around (there isn't much there to start with, and you have Read-Only permissions so you can't do anything).

Along the top you should see a bar that tells you that you have Read-Only access and gives you the option to request access to the workspace. Click that button to ask your instructor for access. Once you are given access, you'll be able to chat in the collaborations bar. Since your instructor won't give you permission until later, you should move on to make your own workspace.

Let's go ahead and create your own workspace that you'll use for all development in the course. Close the workspace tab in your browser to go back to your account page. In the upper right corner is your avatar, click that to return to your welcome page.

Create Your Workspace

Click the big plus sign that says "Create a new workspace." It is important that you follow these steps exactly to keep your work beyond this semester. Otherwise, at the end of the term when the team is removed, you will lose all your work.

Give the workspace a name that is meaningful and special and very personal to you. Such as "csci261_workspace". (It doesn't matter what you name it)

Next change the Team dropdown to "Don't set a team for this workspace."

Now check the radio button for a "Private" workspace.

Lastly, choose the template for "C++".

Click on "Create workspace" and you're done! You'll see a welcome message like below:
     ,-----.,--.                  ,--. ,---.   ,--.,------.  ,------.
    '  .--./|  | ,---. ,--.,--. ,-|  || o   \  |  ||  .-.  \ |  .---'
    |  |    |  || .-. ||  ||  |' .-. |`..'  |  |  ||  |  \  :|  `--,
    '  '--'\|  |' '-' ''  ''  '\ `-' | .'  /   |  ||  '--'  /|  `---.
     `-----'`--' `---'  `----'  `---'  `--'    `--'`-------' `------'

Hi there! Welcome to Cloud9 IDE!

That was super simple to get set up!

Configure Your IDE

With Cloud9, everything is set up for you. We will set two options however. From the top menu bar, select Cloud9 > Preferences.

First navigate to "User Settings" and check the boxes for "Warn Before Exiting" and "Use an Asterisk (*) to Mark Changed Tabs". Next select "Themes" and pick your colors favorite colors if you like!

We also need to install a few libraries and tools that we will be using later in the course. Begin by downloading this file. Now upload it to your workspace. There are two ways to do this:
  1. From the menu, go to File > Upload Local Files...
  2. Drag and drop the file onto the folder in your workspace tree on the left hand side
Now, right click on the file and select "Open terminal here". This will open a new tab and you will see something similar to below:
jpaone:~/workspace: $
Type or copy the following two commands into this terminal and be sure ot hit enter after each one.
sudo chmod 744
sudo ./
These two commands will run a script to download and install everything you need. You'll see lots of text flying by, some of it telling you the progress. When prompted if you want to enter a password, type 'no' to not set a password. When you see:
[100%] Done with Cloud9 setup!
You're all done! Congrats on successfully completing the setup.

Test Your Setup

We will test your setup on Friday, with Lab1A.

This lab is due by Thursday, January 11, 2018 11:59 PM .
Last Updated: 01/05/18 13:20

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