CSCI 261 - Programming Concepts (C++)Spring 2017Quick Links: Blackboard | Canvas | CS @ Mines | Cloud9 | Piazza | zyBooks |
| Home | Contact | Syllabus | Assignments | Schedule | Resources | | |
The course webpage has moved to With the domain change, existing backend features are no longer supported. The webpages have been ported over to
work in the new framework. All of the content is still available. However, some links between pages are broken so you will need to use the top navigation to mainly get from page to page. Apologies for any
The remainder of the class schedule, labs, and assignments have been
published for the rest of the semester. Additionally, the Final Project information has been posted.
Use this as an opportunity to work ahead and plan your time accordingly. Important dates to be aware of:
Week05 is out. Additionally, zyBooks sections for Module 4 have been
entered to the schedule. This corresponds to the end of material for
Exam 1 (which is March 6).
Week03 has gone out. Additionally, all future planned1 quiz
dates have been entered to the schedule.
1: quiz dates may shift by a day or so if schedule needs arise. 01/05/2017
Welcome to CSCI 261 - Programming Concepts! While there is not too much
here just yet, here is a quick guide to where everything is. You will
be able to find the labs & homework assignments on the assignments page. As we cover more topics
and more examples are used in class, they will become available on the
resources page. The schedule
page will list the reading required for the upcoming class - you
will want to visit this page most often. Until then, be sure to look at
the syllabus and familiarize yourself with
the course and this website. Read all of the pages, especially those
linked on the resources page
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Last Updated: 05/15/17 18:06