
Has your family ever wanted to go see a movie but couldn't agree on which movie to see? Then this app is for you.
Twovie Times is an Android app that will help find movie pairs that are within the same time frame, so your family can go to a theater and see different movies at the same time without much waiting at either end. Twovie Times works by using the device's location to list all theaters within a five mile of the user and prompts them to select one. It then asks the user to select a day for the movie times. The user can then slect either two Movies, Genres, or a Movie and a Genre to make movie pairings. Once these have been selected, the app provides a list of movie pairs within a thirty minute tolerance corresponding to start and end times of the films. This allows a family to see two different films but leave the theater at approximately the same time.
Looking for movies in a different location or want a larger radius for theater selection? We have you covered, there is a settings screen that allows the user to change the search radius as well as the zip code.



Twovie Times is an App developed by three Colorado School of Mines students: Alex Anderson, Steve Hamrick, and Eric Dattore. It was created for the class CSCI-448: Mobile Applications.

Source Code

Since this is a school project, we are unable to make the source code publicly available. If you wish to see the source code (and are not in the Mobile Applications class), feel free to shoot an email to shamrickus@gmail.com