CSCI 448 - Mobile Application Development

Spring 2016


Chase West

Erik Ponder

Richard Garvey

The project presented here is developed for Android
|   Final Project   |

Final Project: FoodCOM

This app is meant for the managers, servers and chefs at a small restaurant. The purpose is to be able to create an order and send it to the chef. Anyone using the app will be notified that an order has been placed and when the order is completed if they click "Start Polling" in the menu. The start polling allows for servers to turn off getting notifications when the order is added.
Features to be mentioned: On the view orders page, swipe down to refresh. When viewing an order, swipe left or right to see the ones next to it.
The user will first come to the start page where he or she can place a new order or view the list of orders. When the user clicks on "new order," that user will be taken to the edit order page where he or she can pick which main courses to be added, which desserts and so on. Then, when an order is sent, the database will be updated, the users that have selected to start polling from the menu bar will be notified and the user will be sent back to the start page. Also, the user will be able to delete orders from the view orders page.

For a better idea of what the app does and how the app works, watch the video and look at the screenshots below!