CSCI 446 Git Review Material

The material and assignments on this page were used to teach git to students in CSCI306 Software Engineering. Students who have taken CSCI 262 but not CSCI 306 may want to review this material, and maybe even try some of the assignments, to get a better understanding of version control using Git.

Github Account

You will need an account on github (or other git repo of your choice). The process changes periodically, but try this link: GitHub accounts. If issues, please post on piazza so other students can offer suggestions.

Basic Git

Basic intro to git. Includes working at the command line and commits to a local repository. Examples are in Java, but the code is minimal so examples should make sense to anyone with basic programming knowledge.

Sharing files on github


You probably won't need branches for this course, but it's good to understand, and provides a good way for you to explore the important topic of merging without needing a partner.


For group projects, this is critical to understand!