CSCI 446 Unit #2

Specific Requirements

Be sure to test your program in both Chrome and Firefox (IE and others not required). For the most part, features we're studying should be supported in all browsers. But some differences remain (see, e.g., this issue with select boxes in FF).

This assignment is worth 62 points. Your HTML must include:

CSS requirements:

Ease of grading criteria.

HTML comment example

As in unit 1, the grader must be able to easily determine whether you've met all requirements by running your html file in a browser and reviewing the HTML comment (i.e., the grader should not have to read your entire file to search for a criteria). The comment should list all criteria with a brief description of how you met each one.

(3) Nav bar: Play Game, Meet Players buttons, Hooligan's motto

(4) Two sides: High scores table, Welcome message
(2) Bottom area: 5 images representing awards

Form requirements (middle section)
(4) First/Last name: Mickey Mouse default, size 10
(4) Two new input types: Cell (phone) and Longevity (input range)
(3) Radio buttons for drink preference: have labels, coffee is selected
(3) Checkboxes for transportation: have bike is checked
(2) Fieldsets used for Personal and Character info
(2) Dropdown for Character type, Sage is selected
(1) Multiple item dropbox for Character attributes
(2) Text area for character description, default is "Put your character description here."
(1) Submit with no action 
(1) Reset buttons - does reset

(3) Flex for at least 3 divs (actually 8 areas: nav, main, scores, drinks, 
transportation, character fields, submit/reset button div and awards). 

(4) justify-content options: 
- space-around for submit/reset buttons and awards
- flex-start for nav
- space-between for character fields.
- align-items with flex-start for awards

(2) Flex Column-reverse layout used for scores, row used for 
all others. 

(2) Flex-wrap with overflow hidden used for awards

(3) Nav buttons transition from white to green
(1) Nav buttons have cursor pointer
(1) Buttons are white with green outline
(2) Motto is right justified
(1) Motto has padding and bold green letters

(2) Images are styled with rounded borders and red background
Used object-fit: contain to maintain aspect ratio

(5) Basic CSS used (at least 5):
