Final Project De-Bug

Bug Fixes

Each team will receive 10 points for a fully tested program. It's common in industry to have others test code before the final release (e.g., alpha tests, beta tests, etc.). For this project, teams will receive testing reports from members of one other team. Teams can then fix any issues before the final due date.

To receive full credit, prepare a text file the combines all of the "List of Bugs" reports, and indicate for each bug whether it has been fixed. Be sure to update on Heroku (node) or your website (JS), so grader can verify. Ideally teams will be able to fix all issues... realistically, it is the end of the semester, with potentially many final projects and papers to juggle. So if you don't have time to fix an issue, please indicate that. A small issue or two is likely to result in just a point or two deduction (e.g., 8/10 or 9/10 for Bug Fixing, potentially a few more points off the Final Project score, depending on whether the item is a central feature or a nitpick). If you indicate a bug has been fixed but grader determines it still exists, there will be a 5 point deduction (i.e., 5/10 for Bug Fixing... or 0/10, if grader finds more than one item you claim is fixed but isn't).

What if the testers found no issues? Kudos! But still submit a text file to indicate no updates were needed.

Submit just one final testing report per team.