Unit 8 - Minimum Viable Product (MVP)


Studies have shown that early feedback from clients leads to higher quality in the final product. MVP is a minimal set of features that can be used to get feedback from the client. So it's a very important concept!

Per LeanUX, MVPs can either be used to deliver value (i.e., Agile process) OR to learn something (our goal). We will create a coded prototype of our origin story (from unit 6). NOTE: Usability testing of these prototypes was planned as a final unit, but alas, due to corona break, we will not have time for input from real users.



Minimum Viable Product

Originally this was a team assignment, potentially including pair programming. For simplicity, it will now be an individual coding assignment.

Using your design system and origin story, create a working prototype:


Zip all the files needed for me to run your prototype, along with your style guide (from unit 7 just for quick reference and because you may have updated). Name the first page [yourLastName].html

Also send your zip to your teammates, to be critiqued in the final paper.


As with other important labs, this unit will receive multiple scores.