Unit 4 - Design Studio A


Practice the first 3 steps of a collaborative design process.




Step 1 - User Outcomes

Do a quick brainstorm with the 3 outcome questions:

  1. What is the user trying to accomplish?
  2. How does the user want to feel during and after this process?
  3. How does our product or service get the user closer to a life goal or a dream?

Brainstorms are most effective in person, but you can edit a shared document, use a chat program, or some other process of your choice. Put your answers in a pdf.

Step 2 - Feature Brainstorm

It's generally fun and easy to brainstorm features, but one issue is ensuring everyone's ideas are heard.

original process - try this sometime! Mimic what you see in figure 3-11 (page 41). Post-it notes work best, but index cards or plain paper can work. Important: Allow a few minutes for everyone to write their ideas, one feature per post-it. Hang these on a board for everyone to see (best; or spread the lists on a table if not post-its or tape).

revised process. Some students are shy about sharing ideas; some have a tendency to dominate. To ensure that everyone contributes, each team member should create a page with a list of potential features. Each feature should have a short name (e.g., "contribute a recipe") with enough detail so team members understand what's proposed (e.g., "user can either submit a link to an online recipe or fill in a recipe template that includes a list of ingredients, list of steps, picture and optional nutritional information").

Please do not look at others' ideas before creating your own list (we really do want ALL ideas on the table).

Step 3 - Feature Analysis.

A major brainstorming challenge is navigating among the competing ideas. To guide our process, we'll use a modified form of the hypothesis table in figure 3-12 (page 42). Specifically, our format (one example shown) will be:

Feature User outcome or goal
Login User maintains privacy for job search

The user outcomes should align with your prior work from your personas (needs, desires, obstacles) and/or your project vision.

To create this table as a group, without meeting in person, I recommend that you "meet" remotely using the tool of your choice (e.g., Google Meet, Zoom, etc.). An actual meeting, even if virtual, will enable you to discuss your ideas more easily than a shared document.

Add this table to the pdf with your list of user outcomes.


Create a zip that includes:


I will not critique your actual feature lists, as you have done the interviews etc. and should have a good idea what your users might want. Grades for this unit are based on participation and effort.

Separate grades will be recorded for a) the outcomes and feature table and b) feature lists by each team member.