CSCI 102 - Intro to Computer Science LAB

Python Assignment: Week 04

Review #1

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Week 04 Python Assignment
Due by Tuesday, September 21st, 2021
      Part A: Receipt Generator (must (1) demo during class (2) upload to Gradescope by 11:45pm)
      Part B: Amino Acids (due to Gradescope by 11:45pm)

Welcome to your assignment for Week 04 of CSCI 102! Each week, you will typically have multiple homework assignments (labs). These labs are to be done on your own (not pair programming), with one lab to be demoed in class Tuesday. All labs (including the demo labs) need to be submitted to Gradescope by 11:45pm on the due date. Unlike CSCI 101, we will place all assignments for a given week on one HTML page. This is your Week 4 CSCI 102 Assignment page.

You have TWO problems to do this week, the first of which (Part A) you will demo in class with a TA on Tuesday. Details on Part A and Part B are below.

Part A: Receipt Generator (3 points)


To get started, open IDLE and create a New File via the File menu. We suggest you immediately save this file in the CSCI102 directory managing all your Python Labs this semester. Please save this file with the following name:


Most businesses use a sales receipt (i.e., a physical slip of paper generated by a cash register or sent via email in online sales) to keep record of all sales made each day. Customers also rely on receipts to confirm their purchase amount and return (or exchange) items purchased in the future.

The purpose of this lab is to write a program that generates a receipt for three products purchased (and entered) by the user. (In today's world, items purchased are typically scanned with a bar code scanner instead of being typed by a human; prior to scanners though, items had to be typed!) Your program should comply with the following algorithm.
  1. Ask the user for their company name, city/state, cashier name, and favorite thank-you message. Store the values entered as variables.
  2. Ask the user to enter three product/items they would like to purchase (name followed by the price). Store the values entered as variables with appropriate names. You may assume that the user will only enter a positive amount of dollars.
  3. Follow the format in the sample execution to print/display the receipt to the console.
  4. Calculate the total cost and round up to two decimal digits.
  5. HINT: You can use an f-string format, i.e., f"{decimal_variable:.2f}", to display the number of digits after the decimal place.

Example Execution

              Enter company name: The Real Mines Market
              Enter company city/state: Golden, Colorado
              Enter cashier name: Blaster
              Purchased item 1 name: Tear Catcher
              Purchased item 1 price: 12.99
              Purchased item 2 name: Laminated NB
              Purchased item 2 price: 4.97
              Purchased item 3 name: Smart Cookie
              Purchased item 3 price: 1.03
              Enter your favorite ending message: Thank you! Go Orediggers!

Example Output

        The Real Mines Market
        Golden, Colorado
        Your cashier was: Blaster
        Welcome Valued Customer
        Item Name       Item Price

        Tear Catcher        $12.99
        Laminated NB        $4.97
        Smart Cookie        $1.03

        Total Cost of Order: 18.99
        Thank you! Go Orediggers!

Gradescope Submission Nuances

You will demo this lab in class on Tuesday and should also submit it to Gradescope after demoing in class. Because this is a demo lab, no tests will be run upon submission to Gradescope—your grade will be based on your performance in the demo.


All Python files should include a header with your name, section, assignment info, references (i.e., who did you collaborate with on this assignment?; what resource did you use?), and approximate time taken to do the assignment. Be sure to cite any allowed external references used to complete the assignment. Any code without this header will lose 1 point. Here's an example:
        #   Tracy Camp
        #   ​CSCI 102 – Section C
        #   Week 4 - Lab A - Receipt Generator
        #   References: Friend Billie Joe Armstrong, who helped me with how to print two decimal points
        #   Time: 25 minutes

Part B: Amino Acids (4 points)


To get started, open IDLE and create a New File via the File menu. We suggest you immediately save this file in the directory managing all your 102 Python Labs this semester. Please save this file with the following name:

In this lab, you will determine one of six amino acids based on the elements that compose its chain. Here is a table that shows the six amino acids you will distinguish between, and the elements in their chemical formula: Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H), Nitrogen (N), Oxygen (O), and Sulfur (S).

Amino Acid C   H    N    O    S    
Alanine - plays a key role in glucose 3 7 1 2 0
Arginine - enhanced immunity, boost your arginine with pumpkin seeds 6 14 4 2 0
Asparagine - first discovered in asparagus, non-essential amino acid in humans     4 8 2 3 0
Cysteine - semi-essential amino acid that is found in hog hair 3 7 1 2 1
Histidine - important for children, as may help immune system 6 9 3 2 0
Glutamine - important amino acid for bodybuilders 5 10 2 3 0

You can assume the input to your program is always valid (e.g., oxygen input will only be 2 or 3 in this case). The output of your program should be the Amino Acid that matches the input information. For efficiency, your solution must use nested if statements. We strongly encourage you to write out pseudocode for your algorithm before you start to type Python code. Perhaps your algorithm might be:
  1. Prompt the user for the number of elements.
  2. Determine which amino acid matches. (You should extend here. How is it best to do this?)
  3. Create the chemical formula string for the amino acid.
  4. Output the amino acid name and its chemical formula string to the user.

Lab I/O Format

For lab assignments this semester, a specific Lab Input/Output Format is required. This format is described below:
  • When prompting for input, use the prompt string WORD>, where WORD is a single, uppercase word which describes the input. For example, this lab might choose: CARBON> and HYDROGEN>, etc.
  • When providing output that will be graded, start the line with the word OUTPUT followed by exactly one space, e.g. OUTPUT . Think of this as "boxing your answer" on a math worksheet; it lets us quickly find your answer. Gradescope will skip any output lines that do not start with OUTPUT.
  • You are welcome to have other output lines that do not begin with OUTPUT; Gradescope will ignore these.
  • A submission without exactly correct output formatting will receive an AUTOMATIC ZERO. This is because Gradescope is automated—it does not look at your code, only the results, and thus the format of the results must be consistent for all students.

Example Execution

Input the chemical elements of the amino acid:
The amino acid for 5C--10H--2N--3O--0S is Glutamine
OUTPUT 5C--10H--2N--3O--0S
OUTPUT Glutamine

Gradescope Submission Nuances

Part B will ONLY be submitted to Gradescope (you will NOT demo this lab in class).
When you submit your Python file to Gradescope, multiple different test cases are run on your code. Passing all of the tests results in a 100% on the autograded portion of the lab.

You are allowed to submit to Gradescope four times (or less) for this lab. The maximum grade of your submissions will be your grade for the lab. Note: If your code doesn’t work (e.g., a syntax error exists, or an error is thrown in execution), then you will received an AUTOMATIC ZERO. You should test your code before submitting to ensure it executes correctly.


All Python files should include a header with your name, section, assignment info, references (i.e., who did you collaborate with on this assignment?; what resource did you use?), and approximate time taken to do the assignment. . Be sure to cite any allowed external references used to complete the assignment. Any code without this header will lose 1 point. Here's an example:
        #   Tracy Camp
        #   ​CSCI 101 – Section H
        #   Week 4 - Lab B - Amino Acids
        #   References: TA Cole for runtime debugging help
        #   Time: 60 minutes

Submit Solutions

Follow these steps to submit your files to Gradescope.
  1. In Gradescope, go to Assignments > Week4A and upload
  2. In Gradescope, go to Assignments > Week4B and upload
To receive credit, your code must execute in Python 3, and you must submit a single file for each portion of the assignment (your Python code file). In addition, your code must follow the Lab I/O Format.

Whenever you submit something to Gradescope, we strongly recommend you always double check what you submitted actually got submitted correctly (e.g., did the file upload correctly? did you submit the correct file? etc.) If your submission is incorrect, it's on you.