CSCI 102 - Intro to Computer Science LAB

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Studio Days

Week 00 - Within the first few days of the semester (by Thurs, 11:45pm), complete the course pre-survey AND upload a picture of yourself. See Canvas for details.

Due      Studio Topic

08/31    Studio 01 (Variables and Operators): 2 points
09/07    Studio 02 (Strings, Lists, and Other Types): 2 points
09/14    Studio 03 (Branching): 2 points
09/21    Studio 04 (Review #1): 2 points
09/28    Studio 05 (While Loops): 2 points
10/05    Studio 06 (For Loops): 2 points
10/12    Studio 07 (More on Lists): 2 points
10/20    Studio 08 (More on Strings): 2 points
11/02    Studio 09 (File I/O - text): 2 points
11/09    Studio 10 (File I/O - CSV): 2 points
11/16    Studio 11 (Functions): 2 points
11/30    Studio 12 (Git)
12/07    Studio 13 (Review #2): 2 points

  1. Go to the Mines CSCI AutoGrader site and log in with your Mines multipass account. You must connect to campus with the VPN client prior to connecting to the autograder from your laptop.
  2. After you are logged in, click on our course page: CSCI102 Intro to Computer Science LAB.
  3. Then click on Studio XY (where XY is the week number)
  4. When you open a problem, you will see three main components:
    1. a Problem Statement field on the left panel,
    2. an Editor field on the right panel (where you type in your code), and
    3. a Test Results bar which shows a graph of colorful bars.
      • A green bar indicates your code submission passes a test case.
      • A red bar denotes a failed test case. You can click on the bar to see how your output differs from our expected output.
      • The other colors (yellow and blue) illustrate various errors in the submitted code (e.g., floating point exception, infinite loop).
      • If all test cases passed, you will see all green bars and receive 10/10. (Note: this does not translate to 10 points in 102.)
  5. You can submit as many code attempts as you want; we will only track the attempt with the highest score.
  6. If you encounter any issue with the site, please email Christine Liebe (
In Studio, you should work with another classmate (pair programming). The two of you should complete as many problems as you can. You should swap roles (driver / navigator) after the completion of each problem. Once you have a working solution to a Studio problem, both you AND your pair should submit the solution to AutoGrader.

Please be careful in how you use the web. You and your pair should create solutions using critical thinking skills. You and your pair should develop code that YOU two write. Your goal this semester is to write code. Your goal is NOT to find solutions on the web that others have created and then submit them as your own. Each team member should be able to explain everything that you have done.

The instrutor and TAs are available to answer questions. If your team needs help, raise your hand.

Our goal is to provide you with several practice opportunities, as the more you practice, the better you get!

Do not feel rushed to finish all assignments in Studio. We understand that different students have different prior experiences in this class. If you think you can quickly solve a problem, give you partner a learning opportunity.

Each Studio is worth 2 points. To receive the full 2 points, you need to successfully complete 2 Studio problems. For each additional Studio problem you complete, you can receive an additional 0.25 point. Studio problems must be completed by end of that week's work (i.e., the following Tuesday, 11:45pm).

If you do not finish all the Studio problems during Studio time, we encourage you to finish the remaining problems on your own time. They are good practice!